Friday, June 26, 2015

A Supreme Creature Is Evolving

People celebrate Supreme Court ruling on Same Sex Marriage in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., June 26, 2015. (Photo: M. Burke / VOA)
Chi Le

According to the VOA, "The outcome is the culmination of two decades of Supreme Court litigation over marriage, and gay rights generally.

The ruling is the Supreme Court's most important expansion of marriage rights in the United States since its landmark 1967 ruling in the case Loving v. Virginia that struck down state laws barring interracial marriages."

I think the decision is a step toward to recognize a human being as a supreme creature who is still continuing to evolve on the earth.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What Are Long-term Intentions of China?

In September 2014, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reported on the group of marooned Filipinos trying to stand in the way of the building of new islands in the disputed South China Sea.
According to an article on the BBC News, "...Beijing is not spending billions of dollars on huge land reclamation hundreds of miles from its own coast to help fishermen. These islands are military and strategic. China is alone in claiming the whole of the South China Sea."

A few weeks ago a US surveillance plane deliberately flew close to the new islands. The crew recorded the immediate and angry Chinese response.

"Foreign military aircraft, this is Chinese navy," the operator announced, "You are approaching our military alert zone. Leave immediately!" The warning was repeated with growing irritation until the radio operator was left spluttering, "You go!"

"There is nothing in international law that says China can build islands on submerged reefs far from its own shore and then declare them military no-go zones. But that is not stopping Beijing from doing so."

From reading the sections, I remember what I know about the wild capitalism. It seems the China's behavior is similar to the wild capitalism's behavior in the previous centuries when Europeans searched new lands to invade or to colonize. It was in the stage of the world without international laws, and it seems China wants to back into the stage, destroying all rules which the world has had today. The action shows a regret of the past as Russia is regretting the period of the Soviet Union. Now there are the international laws, but China's actions are aggressive and defy the laws.

Is the behavior a necessity of development of the wild capitalism? If so, a war is the necessity because a cause of two world wars is a part of the responsibility of the development of the wild capitalism. I feel really anxious about the thought.

Chi Le

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Emblem of Hate

The Confederate flag flies near the South Carolina Statehouse in Columbia, S.C., June 19, 2015.
The Confederate flag is a symbol of the Southern States which seceded from the Union in 1860. 
According to the VOA, on Friday, “Confederate” was trending on Twitter as lots of people weighed in on the flag issue sparked by reports that the suspect in the Charleston shootings, who wore emblems of white supremacy, had a Confederate flag on his license plate.

It seems that the young man is affected by the historical emblem of the Civil War although the war ended 140 years ago. The war ended and was reconciled impressively by warring sides without a jail or reeducation camp. However, the ideal of the war seems to remain persistent in historical stages of the country. If a Bible study is like a symbol of peace and salvation, whether or not the young man should be forgiven as he is losing in a wrong way. Finally, a question emerges how to end racial discrimination, imagined going away.

Chi Le

Friday, June 19, 2015

Safety in the US

Police lead suspected shooter Dylann Roof into the courthouse in Shelby, North Carolina, June 18, 2015.

"We don't understand America's need for guns," said Philip Alpers, director of the University of Sydney's project that compares gun laws across the world. "It is very puzzling for non-Americans."

Take a look what the world says to the gun ownership by Americans in the article on the VOA when a white man killed nine people in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Perhaps the incident would kindle a new controversy about the right of the gun ownership. However, in the stage we can consider the challenge as a drill of the U.S. in the role of international police. It should be whether or not the U.S. police must protect American people from gun violence before they take the role of international police. Intervening of the U.S. police into the corruption of FIFA officials proves the international role, but the corruption is extremely different from the gun violence. Wait for what the U.S will act next. I don't know whether the shooting is a fatal shooting over the right of the gun ownership by Americans.

Chi Le

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Congratulation for Permit-to-Purchase Laws

According to an article on the Washington Post, "At the time, private citizens could freely buy and sell guns secondhand, even to those with criminal records. Connecticut’s law sought to regulate that market. Even private handgun sales would have to be reported to the state, and buyers would need to have a permit."

The success of Connecticut's law seems to start up for a progress of the law of the legal gun trade that can be accepted by a lot of people, including critics. A gun is a special property which is being a cause of controversies to own it because it is an available means of the gun related criminals. Therefore, some people who want to own a gun should accept the permit-to-purchase laws even though they can cause some annoyances as a way to swap for the worth of the safety of community.

The conclusion of the article, "That depends on how many lives you think are saved by keeping guns out of criminal hands."

Chi Le

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Stop the War

According to the VOA, she [Lyudmila] admits her own opinion of Ukraine’s central government has changed. She is no longer as excited as she once was.

Denis says he “understood in the wrong way.” He says “I have regrets, notonly about our relations, but my main regret is that I was fooled.”

I agree that, "This is a war of politics, ..., not a war of Ukrainians against Russians." Usually people of two sides are propagandized the justice of the war, and they don't have an ability to judge the propaganda. The people are pulled into the war as being sources and victims of the war. Finally the people only apprehend pains and losses after suffering the war as the regrets of two characters in the story. I wish the countries on the world don't have their border, and the military are only used for the disasters as well as police are used to maintain law and order.

Chi Le

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Dare of Using Dollars

Sepp Blatter was close to tears as he urged the staff to "stay strong"

According to BBC News, "Former top Fifa official Chuck Blazer has admitted that he and others on the executive committee agreed to accept bribes in connection with the choice of South Africa as 2010 World Cup hosts."

The incident can suggest corrupt officials don't dare to use dollars anymore. The corruption is explored because the Fifa officials transferred the corrupt dollars over the U.S. banks. If they don't use dollars, the FBI officials were difficult to find out the corruption's spot. Not using dollars is humorous, but it also explains why another country likes to use its currency to compete with dollars. It is clear that when a country is not clear, its currency couldn't be internationalized.

Chi Le

Monday, June 1, 2015


Look at the picture on the VOA. It seems the Vietnamese Defense officials are more anxious than happy. Their faces are not appropriate with the U.S. Defense officials' smiling faces. The fact seems they are going to lose their rice book, or they are anxious because of being afraid of Chinese patrons to scold. 

When are the officials strong enough as the Philippine officials in a way to deal with China over the South China Sea? The officials don't deserve to be believed when they represent Vietnamese people to confront with the China's aggression.

Chi Le

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