Sunday, August 10, 2014

Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop

You can use a Google app to permit your friends to access to your desktop screen and then repair or set up software on your computer. Follow some below steps:

1/ Set up Google Chrome. If you set up it, you should pass the step.

2/ Set up Chrome Remote Desktop. If you set up it, you should pass the step.

  • Launch Chrome and type the following address:
  • At the line “search the store”, type “Remote desktop”. You will see a Chrome Remote Desktop app.
  • Click on “+ Free” --> “Add”
3/ To launch Chrome Remote Desktop for the first time, you need a Google account.
  • Launch Google Chrome. At the address line, type “chrome://apps/”
  • Click on Chrome Remote Desktop button
  • A new window is required to enter a Google account and password.
  • Click on Accept button after you log in

  • Click on “Get started” button. Remote Assistance means you can share your desktop screen to other people, or you can access to one’s desktop screen shared with you. A “My computers” area helps to access your computers through your own codes.

This is an example of an access code shared to who access to a desktop screen.

Chi Le

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