To add (process and narrative): also, and, and then, too, plus, in addition, furthermore, moreover, another, first, second, likewise, equally important, again, similarly, besides, especially, not only ... but also
To put in time order (process and narrative): now, then, before, after, afterward, earlier, later, immediately, soon, next, in a few days, meanwhile, gradually, suddenly, finally, previously, today, tomorrow, as soon as, until, when, at last, after that, at the time, once, while, farther, in a little while
To put in space order (description): near, far, far from, in front of, beside, along, in the rear of, beyond, above, below, to the right (left), around, surrounding, on once side, inside, outside, alongside, in the distance, foreground, background, across, closer, farther, here, there, against
To compare: in the same way, similarly, just like, just as, likewise, in a like manner, by comparison
To contrast: but, still, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, yet, nevertheless, despite, in spite of, even though, in contrast, conversely, although, granted that, not
To show cause and effect: because, since, so, consequently, as a result, therefore, then, accordingly, hence, thus, it follows that
To show purpose: for this reason, for this purpose, so that, so that this may happen
To emphasize (persuasion): indeed, in fact, surely, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, in any event, truly, again, to repeat
To give examples: for example, for instance, as an illustration, specifically, to be specific, as proof, that is, such as, thus, to illustrate
To summarize: in summary, in conclusion, as has been stated, in brief, to sum up, in short, thus, finally
Some examples of transitional adverbs:
Phil is a highly intelligent person.
However, he is too lazy for his job.
The horses are getting ready for the race.
Meanwhile, the jockeys are listening to the trainers.
Jeff won a scholarship to a state university;
nevertheless, he prefers to stay in town to complete his studies.
You need to remove the pins first;
otherwise, you will break the needle as you stitch over them.
rather than his brothers, is taking over the company.
The government,
moreover, wants to raise taxes to pay for the new project.